My Health Journey

Over the years I was diagnosed with multiple health problems…. I’ve had psoriasis on my legs since my late teens (autoimmune) and I began having symptoms of arthritis in my 20s that resulted in my having two partial knee replacements about 2 years ago. I was diagnosed with IBS. I began struggling with depression and anxiety in my 30s. Had very early breast cancer in 2003. In more recent years I developed a significant food sensitivity to wheat (had to go gluten free) that would cause me to be in significant joint and muscle pain for days if I accidentally ingested some. Then shortly before I started on my supplements… I also suffered with severe acid reflux, had become prediabetic and was diagnosed with super ventricular tachycardia. Over the years with these health issues, I became less and less active and put on a lot of weight.
Changes since starting journey to improve my health via my wonderful supplements, etc. in November 2017!
-Energy I haven’t seen in years!
-Shakiness, weakness and fatigue I would often get when my blood sugar dropped has stopped!
-I am no longer in pain all the time!
-My mindset is significantly improved (my husband and daughter have told me this is the best version of me they have ever seen)!
-After about a month and a half… I could eat wheat again!! ???
-Psoriasis has improved significantly.
-I used to get sick with about every virus that came down the road. For the last two winters I have hardly been sick at all. A couple of times I would start to feel like I was getting a bug but it was minimal and it would last a day or two at most.
-Off all my prescription meds!
I am still on my weight loss journey (although I have lost between 25 and 30 pounds and my body shape is changing)! I am trying to undo years of “emotional” eating and habitual bad food choices. I have to wrap my head around eating differently but I feel better than I did in my early 30s. I am going to continue to transition to a healthier approach to eating and I know the Lord will help me to lose all the weight that I need to!! Going to be 58 tomorrow!! ? I have so much hope now for having some future fun with this guy!