The Lord has often spoken to me through nature, through His creation. As young child, I went out to play on a cold but sunny winter day. It had snowed and everything was adorned in glistening white. I traipsed through it, making the first footsteps and plopped down in my front yard. I gently scooped up a small heap of the snow and held it in my hands. I remember it so clearly. The memory has perfect 2020 vision. My 58-year-old eyes would never be able to see the details those young girl’s eyes did. The sky was clear and the sun shone brilliantly on the scene. Caught in my mittens, were the most intricate creations, indescribably perfect in their patterns and glistening in the sunlight. I was in awe of what I was seeing. Studying them very carefully, I marveled that each one of those snowflakes were different from the other yet every one was as stunning as the next. As I sat mesmerized, this overwhelming presence of God came over me. (The Bible speaks of the faith of a child. Childlike faith is simple and trusting. This experience, as I recall it, reminds me of that verse. As a child I knew it was God I was sensing and as a child His manifest presence was understood and naturally accepted without question.) In that moment, gazing at those awe inspiring snowflakes, the Lord spoke into my heart. I remember the words clearly, “You must belong to Me.” What a marvelous mystery. As an adult I find it so comforting, that the Lord of all creation would single out a little girl in Northwest Ohio, on a snowy day, for the sole purpose of assuring her of whose she was destined to be. I can guess as to His reasons for why He spoke those words into my heart at such a tender age. As the sovereign, all-knowing Governor of my life, in His foreknowledge perhaps He saw there was a time coming when I would question if I had fallen too far from His grace. As a returning prodigal my feelings of unworthiness would overwhelm me and cause me to question His love and acceptance repeatedly for many years. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts unfathomable and His love indescribable. I am truly thankful for the snowflake memory. It is a deep and treasured one. It is one thing out of many that now anchors me to the truth of my Savior’s love. I am His and He is mine. I ask you today. Do you know Him? Really know Him? Have you accepted His gift of salvation that was bought at a great price for you on Calvary?