Almost Missed It

I almost missed a really enjoyable outing the other day. Why? Because there were dishes in my sink and phone calls to be made and… to put it simply, just a lot of work to do. But there will always be work to do! This is my MO, focusing on everything that needs to be done and missing opportunities for refreshing, health and interactions that have eternal value! I struggled with this unbalanced approach daily for 37 years while I raised babies. A noble occupation for sure! I don’t regret a minute of it. But what I do wish I had learned many years ago is how to take care of myself in the midst. Not making time for self care resulted in multiple health issues, being nearly 150 pounds overweight and quite frankly, depression because God never intended us to live fully “on” all the time. Even Jesus slipped away to quiet places with His disciples or by Himself! I am learning with much prayer to prioritize things that are important for my well being. You might think now that we are empty-nesters that there is extra time for such things but strangely life is very full. I still need to make sure I’m taking care of myself and so do you! Our day to day lives here on this earth matter greatly. Those of us who follow Jesus are “light and salt” in this broken world, according to Scripture. God designed you and loves you and has called you for a purpose! Take care of yourself! You are precious in His eyes and you have very important things to do!

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