Have you heard the story of the two blind men? My heart began to stir this morning as I read in Matthew 20 of two men who were sitting by a road as Jesus was passing by. They cried out, “Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!” At first nothing happened and people in the crowd told them to be quiet! But scripture tells us that the two blind men ignored the crowd’s scolding and cried out all the more! Hearing them Jesus “stood still” and asked them, “What do you want Me to do for you?” The men requested their eyes would be opened. Jesus had compassion on them, touched their eyes and immediately they received their sight and “followed Him.”
As I envision this taking place, I wonder, “Had these men often sat by the road as beggars because they had no other means of income?” “How long had they suffered?” “In that suffering had they heard of a miracle worker?” “Had they prayed for an opportunity to meet Jesus and ceased the moment when He was passing by?” “What if they had hesitated!?” “What if they had listened to other people’s opinions?” “What if they had accepted their circumstances as God’s will?” “What if they had abandoned hope in favor of what they were accustomed to?“ If they had not persevered and pressed on shouting after Jesus… I am sure we would not be reading about these two blind men today!!
When you hear this story do you have a glimmer of hope? Do you wonder if you could overcome a struggle that you may have suffered with for years? Never assume that just because there’s been a difficulty in your life for a long time that it’s God’s will for you to remain in that suffering. Ask yourself, “Have I truly called upon Jesus?” “Have I put my hope in Him no matter what others around me might think or say?” Years ago I began to realize that I was just going through the motions each day accepting my “troubles” and not taking my concerns to the Lord. As I to prayed, I learned that Jesus, even now “stands still” when He hears our cry! He is still moved with compassion! Have you prayed about your struggle or pain? I hope this has encouraged you today to consider taking your trouble to the Lord! There is still victory in Jesus! Jesus IS victory!