The chairs set out! The tables cleared! Ready for friends and fellowshipThe chairs set out. The tables cleared. Ready for friends and fellowship! My big country porch is one of my favorite places to be!
The chairs set out! The tables cleared! Ready for friends and fellowshipThe chairs set out. The tables cleared. Ready for friends and fellowship! My big country porch is one of my favorite places to be!
The beauty in my neck of the woods! I have lived in Southeast Ohio for going on ten years now and still treasure the display of nature’s beauty! This shot was taken near Gibisonville.
When I am self-disciplined enough to get up with the sun, I’m always glad I did! There’s something about early morning and the quiet and beauty of it that starts my day off right. It’s so easy to slip into the habit of staying up later than I should and missing this daily display of God’s awesomeness!!